How Much Does It Cost For A Pig Waste Disposal System?

If you currently raise pigs as part of your business operations, it is sometimes difficult to properly dispose of pig manure . Pigs can produce a substantial amount of manure. Unfortunately, most farmers and ranchers are going to simply allow this to decompose and go back into the soil. Instead of letting this go to waste, you can invest in a pig waste disposal system. This usually consists of a rotary drum granulator, or a smaller organic fertilizer granulation machine that can convert all of this into pellets. There are several different types to choose from, all of which will convert waste into a fertilizer that you can use later on.

How Much Do Pig Waste Disposal Systems Cost?

These can be either very expensive, or they may actually be affordable, depending upon their size, country of origin, and what they are capable of doing. You may discover that you may only need a smaller unit to convert the pig manure that you have which is minimal into granules that you can use for fertilizer. For bigger operations, those that come complete with cylindrical drums will be needed. You may have an entire plant dedicated to converting the pig manure into pellets. By obtaining quotes from businesses that produce them, you can quickly see how much they will cost and how much money you can save by working with the right companies.

3D Diagram of Pig Waste Disposal System
Complete pig manure disposal system for pig farms.

How Does It Convert Pig Waste Into Fertilizer?

Whether you are working with wet or dry material, the conversion process begins with allowing a chemical change to occur. The fermentation of the waste will lead to material that can be heated at a high temperature and subsequently mixed with dry grass, or even that leaves, that pig manure will be converted into quality organic fertilizer pellets. Eventually, you will have more than enough of this material to fertilize your own business endeavors. Your crops will be fertilized, and you can then disperse the rest of it to other businesses that will pay you for this material.

How Long Will It Take To Create The Fertilizer?

Once you have mixed the material at a 6:1 ratio, you will have plenty of carbon rich materials combined with the manure. This could be anything from sawdust to leaves that will act as a binder. Once the material is rotated at high speeds, it will then be dispersed as fertilizer pellets that you can use now or later. The same machines are used to convert commercial waste, industrial waste, and even food waste into fertilizer for farms. The speed at which they operate will depend upon their size, country of origin, and their overall cost.

Converting pig waste into fertilizer is easy to do. You just need a disposal system that will handle the entire process. If you have thousands of pigs that are producing tons of material on a weekly basis, you will certainly need one of the larger pig waste disposal systems. These can help you save money, and also make your crops much more efficient, by providing them with higher amounts of potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. That’s exactly what you get when you produce pig waste fertilizer that is rich in nutrients.

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