How to Create NPK Dry Granules?

Fertilizers are crucial for enhancing soil fertility and boosting crop yields, and among them, NPK granules stand out due to their balanced supply of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. This post explores the process of creating NPK dry granules, covering the essential steps and considerations to ensure you achieve a high-quality product that promotes healthy plant growth. Whether you’re a commercial fertilizer manufacturer or a farmer looking to tailor your fertilizer blends, understanding the granulation process can significantly improve your gardening or farming results.

Understanding the Granulation Process

At the heart of the NPK dry granulation process lies a piece of equipment known by many names, including a double roller extrusion granulator. This machinery is pivotal for several reasons. It efficiently converts raw materials into compact, easy-to-handle granules without the need for moisture, thus significantly reducing the energy required for drying. Furthermore, the granules produced are of uniform size, aiding in their application and effectiveness as a fertilizer.

Structure of Double Roller Press Granulator
Structure of Double Roller Press Granulator

Selecting the Right Raw Materials for Granulation

When undertaking the granulation process, the choice of raw materials is critical. Common inputs include urea, ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride, and monoammonium phosphate, among others. These materials, either used individually or in combination, undergo a transformation within the granulator, emerging as high-quality NPK granules ready for application.

NPK Materials for Double Roller Extruder
NPK Materials for Double Roller Extruder

Optimizing the Production Line

Beyond the granulator, a streamlined and efficient production line requires several other pieces of equipment. Each plays a unique role in ensuring the quality and efficiency of the final product.

  • Dynamic Batching Machine: Precision is crucial in fertilizer production. A dynamic batching machine allows for the accurate measurement of raw materials, ensuring the correct ratios for optimal plant nutrition.
  • Horizontal Mixer: Uniformity in the mixture is key to effective fertilization. A horizontal mixer ensures that the various raw materials are thoroughly blended before granulation.
  • Vertical Crusher: Size matters in granulation. A vertical crusher reduces large chunks of raw materials to a manageable size, facilitating a smoother granulation process.

Chick here for more details.

Configuring the Ideal Production Line

The configuration of the NPK dry granulation production line hinges on the integration of these machines in a manner that maximizes efficiency and product quality. The dynamic batching machine ensures precise ingredient ratios, the horizontal mixer guarantees a consistent mixture, and the vertical crusher preps the materials for the final step in the granulator. This streamlined process not only enhances productivity but also ensures that the NPK granules meet the highest standards of quality.

Double Roller Granular NPK Fertilizer Production Line
Double Roller Granular NPK Fertilizer Production Line

Why Choose Professional Fertilizer Equipment Manufacturers?

Selecting the right equipment is just as crucial as the process itself. Working with professional fertilizer equipment manufacturers ensures access to the latest technology and machinery designed specifically for high-quality NPK granule production. Manufacturers with a proven track record, such as Yushunxin Machinery, offer not only top-tier equipment but also invaluable expertise in configuring the ideal production line tailored to your specific needs.

In conclusion, creating NPK dry granules involves a meticulous selection of raw materials and a carefully configured production line equipped with specialized machinery. From dynamic batching machines to double roller extrusion granulators, each piece of equipment plays a pivotal role in ensuring the efficiency and quality of the final product. By leveraging professional expertise and cutting-edge technology, producers can achieve optimal results in their fertilizer granulation processes. You can visit:

Инновационная линия по производству гранулированных известняковых удобрений.

Известняковая гранулировочная линия является важным оборудованием для производства гранулированных известняковых удобрений или других гранулированных продуктов. Как производитель удобрений, мы предлагаем эффективные и экологически чистые решения для удовлетворения мировых сельскохозяйственных и промышленных потребностей в качественных известняковых гранулах. Ниже представлено подробное описание нашей известняковой гранулировочной линии.

Линия по производству грануляции известняка с большим выходным барабаном
Линия по производству грануляции известняка с большим выходным барабаном

Основные технологии и инновации

Наша линия по производству гранул из известняка использует передовые технологии гранулирования, включая барабанные, дисковые и роликовые грануляторы, что позволяет выбрать наиболее подходящее оборудование в соответствии с потребностями клиента и характеристиками сырья. Мы постоянно инновируем, чтобы повысить эффективность гранулирования оборудования, снизить энергопотребление и обеспечить, чтобы конечный продукт обладал отличными физическими характеристиками, такими как твердость, растворимость и однородность.

Состав производственной линии

Полноценная известняковая гранулировочная линия обычно состоит из следующих основных частей:

1. **Подготовка сырья**:
Дробилка: для измельчения кускового известняка до размера, подходящего для гранулирования.
– Мельница: для дальнейшего измельчения дробленого известняка, чтобы соответствовать определенным требованиям к тонкости.
– Смеситель: для равномерного смешивания известкового порошка с другими вспомогательными материалами, обеспечивая однородность сырья для гранулирования.

2. **Процесс гранулирования**:
– Гранулятор: преобразует смешанный известковый порошок в гранулы.
– Сушилка: удаляет лишнюю влагу из гранул, повышая стабильность и срок хранения гранул.
– Охладитель: снижает температуру гранул, предотвращая их слеживание при упаковке или хранении из-за высокой температуры.

3. **Контроль качества**:
– Сито: отсеивает некачественные гранулы и пыль, возникающие в процессе производства, обеспечивая качество продукта.
– Покрытие: наносит защитное покрытие на поверхность гранул, улучшая их внешний вид и снижая пыление.

4. **Упаковка и хранение**:
Автоматическая упаковочная машина: автоматически взвешивает и упаковывает качественные известняковые гранулы.
– Система хранения: обеспечивает сухость и защиту от влаги упакованной продукции для увеличения срока годности.

Случай клиента с линия гранулирования известняка
Случай клиента с линия гранулирования известняка

Экологическая чистота и устойчивое развитие

Мы осознаем важность охраны окружающей среды, поэтому наша известняковая гранулировочная линия разработана с учетом экологических аспектов. Наше оборудование использует замкнутые системы, что позволяет максимально сократить выбросы пыли и шумовое загрязнение. Кроме того, наши процессы сушки и охлаждения используют технологии повторного использования, чтобы уменьшить энергопотребление и уменьшить углеродный след.

Обслуживание клиентов и поддержка

Выбирая нашу известняковую гранулировочную линию, клиенты получают не только качественное оборудование, но и всестороннее обслуживание и поддержку. Мы предлагаем услуги индивидуального дизайна, чтобы убедиться, что производственная линия полностью соответствует конкретным потребностям клиента. В то же время наша профессиональная техническая команда всегда готова предоставить клиентам услуги по установке, наладке и обучению, чтобы обеспечить стабильную и эффективную работу производственной линии после ее запуска. Мы также предоставляем долгосрочное послепродажное обслуживание и техническую поддержку, чтобы помочь клиентам решить любые проблемы, которые могут возникнуть в процессе производства.

Место установки российской линии гранулирования дискового известняка
Место установки российской линии гранулирования дискового известняка

Известняковая гранулировочная линия является одним из важных продуктов нашего производства удобрений. Мы стремимся предоставить эффективные и экологически чистые решения для гранулирования для клиентов по всему миру в сельском хозяйстве и промышленности. Посредством постоянных технологических инноваций и качественного обслуживания клиентов мы надеемся установить долгосрочные отношения с клиентами и совместно способствовать развитию устойчивого сельского хозяйства и промышленности. Для получения дополнительной информации о некоторых случаях использования линий по производству гранулята известняка посетите:

How to use groove type composter to dispose of chicken manure


Using a groove type composter to dispose of chicken manure is an effective and environmentally-friendly way to manage poultry waste. Here are some steps and tips on how to use this type of composter for chicken manure disposal.

Understanding Groove Type Composter

A groove type composting machine is a large-scale composting system that is designed to handle a high volume of organic waste. It consists of a series of parallel grooves or channels, each equipped with a composting turner that mixes and aerates the material. This type of composter is ideal for poultry farms, as it can accommodate the large amount of manure produced by chickens.

Preparing the Chicken Manure for Composting

Before you begin composting, it’s important to prepare the chicken manure. Remove any bedding material, such as straw or wood shavings, as these can slow down the composting process. You may also want to mix the manure with other organic materials, such as vegetable scraps or yard waste, to create a more balanced compost.

Loading the Composter

Once the manure is prepared, it’s time to load it into the composter. Use a front-end loader or a conveyor belt to transfer the manure into the grooves. Make sure to evenly distribute the manure across the length of the groove to ensure proper aeration and composting.

Turning and Aerating the Compost

The key to successful composting is regular turning and aeration. Use the composting turner to mix the manure and introduce oxygen into the compost pile. This will help to speed up the decomposition process and prevent odors. It’s recommended to turn the compost at least once a week, or more frequently if you are composting a large amount of manure.

Maintaining the Compost

As the composting process progresses, it’s important to monitor the temperature and moisture levels of the compost pile. The temperature should be between 130-150°F for optimal composting. If the compost pile is too dry, add water to maintain the proper moisture level. If it’s too wet, add more dry organic material to absorb excess moisture.

Harvesting the Compost

Once the compost has fully decomposed, it’s time to harvest it. Use a front-end loader or a conveyor belt to remove the finished compost from the grooves. The compost can then be used as a natural fertilizer for crops or gardens, or it can be sold as a soil amendment.

In conclusion, using a groove type composter is an efficient way to dispose of chicken manure. By following these steps and tips, you can create high-quality compost while reducing the environmental impact of poultry waste.


5 Tips for Speed Up Composting Process of Manure Waste

To accelerate the composting process of manure waste, which will ultimately lead to a quicker turnaround of rich, fertile compost, you can implement the following strategies:

1. Balance the Carbon-to-Nitrogen Ratio

Adjust Material Proportions: The key to a quick composting process is maintaining a proper carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) ratio. Aim for a balance of about 25-30 parts carbon (“browns” such as straw, leaves, and sawdust) to 1 part nitrogen (“greens” like manure, food scraps, and grass clippings).

2. Increase Surface Area

Shred and Chop Materials: By shredding or crushing the organic manure waste before adding them to your compost pile, you increase the surface area for microbes to work on, which can speed up the decomposition process . Smaller pieces decompose faster than larger ones.

3. Enhance Aeration

Turn the Pile Regularly: Regularly turning the compost pile, ideally once every week or two, introduces oxygen that is essential for aerobic decomposition. For this, specialized compost turner is best choice. Various types, high automation, quickly compost making, etc. Click here to learn more.

Create Air Pockets: You can also create air pockets by adding bulky items that don’t compact easily, such as small branches or chopped up corn stalks, which can prevent the pile from becoming too dense and improve air circulation.

4. Maintain Moisture Levels

Moist Conditions: A compost pile should be moist like a wrung-out sponge. If it’s too dry, microbial activity will slow down, and if it’s too wet, it can lead to anaerobic conditions, which are less efficient and can cause foul odors. Ensure your pile has adequate moisture by adding water when necessary or covering the pile during heavy rain. Here, professional manure dehydrator equipment and compos turner with water tank for you.

5. Monitor Temperature and Insulate if Needed

Temperature Control: Microbial activity generates heat, and a hot compost pile (between 130-160°F or 55-70°C) will decompose materials faster. Use a compost thermometer to monitor the temperature. If the pile is too cool, consider insulating it with materials like straw bales or a composting blanket. Suitable temperature is key to compost manure waste quickly.

Additional Tips:

Use Compost Activators: Adding compost activators or accelerators, which are products containing microorganisms and enzymes, can jump-start the decomposition process.

Chop Nitrogen-Rich Materials: Manure is already high in nitrogen, but adding other green materials in chopped form can add diversity and extra nitrogen to the pile, fostering microbial growth.

Proper Pile Size: Ensure your compost pile is of adequate size (typically a minimum of 3x3x3 feet or 1x1x1 meter). A pile that’s too small may not heat up sufficiently, and one that’s too large might not receive enough oxygen in the center.

pH Balance: Composting microorganisms thrive in a neutral to slightly acidic pH range. If the pile is too acidic or too alkaline, it can hinder the composting process. You can use a pH meter to monitor and adjust pH levels if necessary.

By implementing these tips, you can significantly reduce the time it takes for manure waste to transform into nutrient-rich compost. More tips are on

How Does the Double Roller Extrusion Granulator Fit into a Complete Production Line?

At the heart of many production lines, especially those involved in the processing of powdery materials into granules, lies the granulation process. This process is crucial for enhancing the physical properties of the raw materials, such as their flowability, compressibility, and density, making them more suitable for a wide range of applications. A key piece of equipment that plays a pivotal role in this transformation is the double roller extrusion granulator, also known as a compact or dry granulation machine.

The Mechanism of Double Roller Extrusion Granulation

The double roller extrusion granulator operates on a simple yet highly effective mechanism. It compacts the raw material through a pair of rollers, applying immense pressure to form a solid mass. This mass is then extruded through a die, resulting in granules of uniform size and shape. This method of granulation does not require the addition of any binder or water, making it an eco-friendly and cost-effective solution for many industries.

Structure of Double Roller Press Granulator
Structure of Double Roller Press Granulator

Key Components of the Granulation Line

A complete powder granulation production line comprises several vital components that work in tandem to ensure the smooth operation and efficiency of the process. These include the loader type feeder, which introduces the raw material into the production line, and the chain crusher, which breaks down larger pieces of material into a finer powder. A horizontal mixer ensures that the powdered material is evenly mixed before entering the double roller extrusion granulator. Following granulation, a rotary screening machine helps in segregating the granules based on their size, and an automatic packaging scale packages the finished product. Belt conveyors are used throughout the line for the seamless transport of materials between different stages.

Double Roller Granular NPK Fertilizer Production Line
Double Roller Granular NPK Fertilizer Production Line

The Versatility of Double Roller Extrusion Granulators

One of the standout attributes of double roller extrusion granulators is their versatility. These machines can handle a wide array of raw materials, including but not limited to, chemical powders, minerals, and metals. This versatility makes them indispensable to industries looking for efficient and reliable solutions for material processing and granulation.

Click here for more details.

Many Applications of 3TPH Extrusion Granulation Production Line
Many Applications of 3TPH Extrusion Granulation Production Line

Yushunxin’s Commitment to Excellence

In the landscape of double roller extrusion granulation, Yushunxin’s machines are designed with precision, incorporating advanced features that enhance their performance, durability, and ease of operation. The company’s commitment to quality ensures that each component of the production line, from the loader type feeder to the automatic packaging scale, is engineered to meet the highest standards of efficiency and productivity.


In conclusion, the double roller extrusion granulator plays a crucial role in a complete production line by transforming powdery materials into granules. This process not only improves the physical properties of the materials but also facilitates their handling, storage, and application. With Yushunxin’s advanced and reliable machines, industries can achieve unparalleled efficiency and quality in their granulation processes, paving the way for innovation and success in the competitive market landscape. You can visit:


How to make 20 t/h zeolite pellets with bentonite

Creating zeolite pellets with bentonite as a binder is a comprehensive process that requires careful attention to detail and adherence to industry standards. The process involves multiple steps, from the selection of raw materials to the actual pelletizing and drying. Below is a detailed guide on how to produce 20 tons per hour (t/h) of zeolite pellets using bentonite.

Understanding the Raw Materials


Zeolite is a microporous, aluminosilicate mineral commonly used as a commercial adsorbent and catalyst. It has an intricate framework that allows it to trap molecules, making it an excellent material for applications such as water purification, gas separation, and ion exchange.


Bentonite is a type of clay that swells in water and has superior binding properties, making it an ideal binder for pelletizing processes. It is often used in small quantities to improve the pellet’s structural integrity without significantly altering its properties.

Equipment Requirement

Pelletizing Equipment

To achieve a production rate of 20 t/h, high-capacity pelletizing equipment is necessary. This includes a pellet mill or a pelletizing disc, often referred to as a pan granulator, capable of withstanding the heavy use associated with such a high production rate. Besides the above two machines, we recommend drum pelleting machine, which can make 30 t/h zeolite pellets.

Drying and Cooling Systems

Once the pellets are formed, they need to be dried and cooled before packaging or further processing. An industrial rotary dryer and a cooler must be included in the production line to handle the throughput effectively.

Preparing the Mixture

Proportioning the Raw Materials

The first step in making zeolite pellets is to prepare a homogenous mixture of zeolite powder and bentonite. The typical ratio of zeolite to bentonite can vary depending on the desired properties of the end product but usually falls between 95:5 and 90:10.

Mixing Process

The raw materials should be thoroughly mixed to ensure even distribution of bentonite throughout the zeolite. A high-capacity mixer or blender can be used for this purpose, capable of handling the volume required to meet the 20 t/h production rate.


Forming the Pellets

The mixture is then transferred to the pelletizing equipment. Through a combination of pressure, rotation, and perhaps additional moisture, the zeolite and bentonite mixture is formed into pellets. The size of the pellets can be adjusted depending on the equipment used and the desired end product.

zeolite pellets granulating machine
zeolite pellets granulating machine

Pellet Quality Check

Pellet quality should be monitored throughout the production process to ensure consistency in size, shape, and hardness. This can involve manual inspections or automated systems depending on the scale of the operation.

Drying and Cooling

Drying the Pellets

Wet pellets are transferred to a rotary dryer, where they are tumbled at high temperatures to remove excess moisture. The duration and temperature depend on the size and density of the pellets, and this step is critical to ensure the structural integrity of the pellets.


After drying, the pellets are still hot and fragile. A cooler brings them down to a safe temperature for handling and storage, and also helps to further harden the pellets.

Quality Assurance

Testing the Final Product

Before packaging, the pellets undergo several tests to ensure they meet the required specifications. This includes tests for moisture content, crush strength, size distribution, and adsorption capacity.


Once approved, the zeolite pellets are packaged for shipping. Packaging must be chosen based on the intended application and might include bags, totes, or bulk loading for larger quantities.

Troubleshooting and Optimization

Monitoring and Adjustments

Throughout the process, it is vital to monitor the system and make adjustments as necessary. This might involve tweaking the ratio of zeolite to bentonite, the amount of added moisture, or the temperatures in the dryer and cooler.

Regular Maintenance

To maintain a production rate of 20 t/h, regular maintenance of the equipment is essential. This prevents downtime and ensures that the pelletizing process remains efficient and cost-effective.


Producing 20 t/h of zeolite pellets with bentonite requires a well-planned process and the right equipment. By understanding the raw materials, preparing the mixture correctly, and carefully managing the pelletizing, drying, and cooling stages, high-quality zeolite pellets can be produced at scale. Quality assurance is critical in this process, as is ongoing monitoring and optimization of the system to maintain high production rates and product standards. With these steps in mind, a successful zeolite pellet production line can be established and maintained.

The Costs of a Small-Scale NPK Fertilizer Production Plant

In an era where maximizing crop yields is critical for feeding a growing global population, balanced fertilization plays a crucial role. NPK fertilizers, which contain the essential plant nutrients Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K), are fundamental to modern agriculture. For entrepreneurs and small-scale farmers looking to enter the fertilizer production market or create a self-sustaining agricultural ecosystem, setting up a small-scale NPK fertilizer production plant can be an attractive proposition. In this blog, we explore the costs associated with establishing such a facility.

Understanding NPK Fertilizer Production

NPK fertilizer production is a complex process that involves the blending of the right proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The process requires expertise in chemical processes and an understanding of plant nutrition needs. A small-scale NPK production plant typically includes facilities for raw material storage, blending, granulation, drying, cooling, and packaging.

NPK fertilizer manufacturing equipment for sale
NPK fertilizer manufacturing equipment for sale

Capital Investment Costs

The major cost component of a small-scale NPK fertilizer production plant is the initial capital investment, which can vary significantly depending on various factors:

1. Equipment Purchase:This includes the NPK making equipment cost of the blending unit, granulators, dryers, coolers, and packaging machines. Advanced and automated machinery can significantly increase initial costs but may offer long-term savings through higher efficiency and lower labor costs. Click here to learn more.

2. Facility Establishment:Constructing or leasing a facility to house the production plant is a substantial part of the investment. The size and location of the plant will impact the cost, with urban areas typically being more expensive than rural locations.

3. Raw Material Sourcing:The cost of procuring the primary nutrients – nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium – can fluctuate based on market prices and availability. Bulk purchasing agreements may help in reducing costs.

4. Compliance and Safety:Ensuring that the plant meets environmental and safety regulations can entail additional costs. This includes investment in waste management systems and safety equipment.

Operational Costs

Once the plant is established, operational costs of NPK fertilizer making plant become the focus:

1. Raw Materials: The continuous supply of N, P, and K compounds will be the major ongoing expense for the plant.

2. Utilities:Energy consumption for machinery operation and facility maintenance can add up, especially in regions with higher energy prices.

3. Labor:Skilled technicians and workers are needed to operate the plant efficiently, contributing to the cost.

4. Maintenance:Regular maintenance is essential to keep the machines running smoothly and to reduce the NPK fertilizer manufacturing cost.

Potential Revenue Streams

The profitability of an NPK fertilizer production plant largely depends on market demand, which is influenced by agricultural cycles and regional crop requirements. Revenue can be generated through direct sales to farmers, wholesalers, or through export if the quality meets international standards.

Break-even Analysis

Understanding when the plant will start making a profit is crucial. A detailed break-even analysis should take into account all the costs and potential revenue, providing a realistic timeline for return on investment.

Government Incentives and Subsidies

In some regions, government programs may offer subsidies or low-interest loans for agricultural businesses, which can significantly lower the initial financial burden of setting up an NPK fertilizer plant.


Setting up a small-scale NPK fertilizer production plant can be a profitable venture, but it requires careful planning and consideration of both capital and operational costs. By balancing these financial inputs with the projected market demand for NPK fertilizers, small-scale producers can make informed decisions and invest in a venture that sustains agricultural productivity and drives economic growth. As with any business, a thorough market study, along with a detailed cost-benefit analysis, is the foundation of a successful fertilizer production enterprise. You can visit to learn more.