How To Make Biofertilizer from Cow Dung

A biofertilizer that is made from cow dung is can supply richer nutrients to the growth of crops.
Using the cow dung as a biofertilizer for your crops can feeding the soil. That helps retain water and offers the plants vital micro and macronutrients. In addition, it’s easily accessible, affordable. So it’s widely utilized by organic farmers and small farmers.

How Can You Create a Biofertilizer from Cow Dung?

You will find numerous ways to create a biofertilizer from cow dung. However, one typical method is as follows.

  • Gather fresh cow dung and removing excessive moisture content.
  • Give the dehydrated cattle manure a suitable aeration to turn them into compost fertilizer . The fermentation process converts the organic matter in the manure into a form that is more absorbed by plants. It increases the cow manure’s effectiveness as a fertilizer. Here, SX cow manure composter can help you finish it within 20 days.
  • After the fermentation process, you will notice the mixture becoming darker in color. It will also have an earthy odor characteristic.The fermentation process produces beneficial microorganisms, such as phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria and nitrogen-fixing bacteria, that will be active in the mixture.

Now, you have a mixture that’s ready to use as a biofertilizer. Then you can choose to turn cow waste compost into powder organic fertilizer or pellets freely. Click here to learn more.
Also, it is advisable to ensure the cow dung you use is fresh, and the entire fermentation process is performed in a well-ventilated location. Doing so will help prevent any contamination in the mixture.

Useful Tips and Tricks to Keep in Mind

Are you ready to make cattle manure bio fertilizer? You need to remember important tips to make sure the final product is effective and safe. Here are some of them:

Always test the biofertilizer

Before you apply the biofertilizer to the crops, test it to guarantee it’s effective and safe. Testing can be performed by measuring potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, pH, and other microorganisms present.

Prevent any contamination

Ensure the fermentation process is performed in a well-ventilated place away from possible sources of contamination, like industrial pollutants or pesticides.

Keep the mixture moist

Cow dungs have moisture, but you may need to adjust water content throughout the fermentation process, especially when it dries out. Always keep the moisture moist but not waterlogged to support the growth of essential microorganisms.

Monitor the temperature

Remember that the temperature at which you ferment your cow dung impacts the quantities and types of microorganisms that grow within it. The right temperature is about 32 to 37 degrees Celsius. So we recommend you add functional bacteria after drying when you plan to make granular fertilizer from cow dung.

Cow dung fertilizer production process
Cow dung fertilizer production process

Use clean tools and containers

Ensure the tools and containers you use to create the biofertilizer are free of contaminants and clean. That will help to avoid the growth of dangerous bacteria during the fermentation.
It is also important to keep the ratio of cow dung to water consistent throughout the process, as well as keep the time of fermentation consistent with having a good yield of biofertilizer.

If you want to learn more about cow dung bio fertilizer production, you can visit