How to Dry Fruit Pomace?

Drying fruit pomace is a crucial step in producing high-quality feed and fertilizer. By removing excess moisture, pomace dryers play a significant role in preserving the nutritional value of fruit by-products.

Pomace Drying Machine
Pomace Drying Machine

Understanding Fruit Pomace

Fruit pomace refers to the solid residue left after juice extraction or fruit processing. It mainly consists of skin, pulp, seeds, and stems. There are many application examples for pomace drying machine: apple pomace, grape pomace, citrus pomace, tomato pomace, berry pomace, banana pomace, peach pomace, etc. This by-product holds substantial nutritional value and can be a valuable resource when properly dried and processed.

Click here for more examples!

Which Fruit Waste Can Be Used In Pomace Dryer
Which Fruit Waste Can Be Used In Pomace Dryer

The Importance of Pomace Drum Dryer

Pomace dryers are specially designed to remove moisture content from fruit pomace efficiently. They eliminate the risk of spoilage, reduce transportation costs, and enhance the value and usability of the pomace. Investing in a reliable pomace dryer for sale can revolutionize the way you handle fruit waste effectively.

Key Features of Pomace Dryers

SX pomace drying machine come with advanced features that ensure optimal drying results. Some essential features include:

1. Hot Air Circulation

These dryers utilize hot air circulation to achieve uniform drying. This technology ensures that every part of the pomace receives adequate heat for even drying.

2. Adjustable Temperature

Rotary dryer for drying pomace allows users to adjust the temperature according to the specific requirements of the fruit pomace. This flexibility helps in achieving better drying efficiency.

3. Stainless Steel Construction

SX high-quality pomace dryers are constructed with stainless steel, making them durable, corrosion-resistant, and easy to clean.

What Is The Pomace Drying Process

The drying process involves a series of steps to efficiently remove moisture from fruit pomace.

Drying Process for Fruit Pomace
Drying Process for Fruit Pomace
1. Pre-treatment

Fruit waste may require pre-treatment for uniform drying. This step may involve dewatering or crushing the pomace to ensure consistent drying. So you may need SX screw press dewatering machine or compost grinders.

Compost Crushers
Compost Crushers
2. Loading

The pomace is loaded into the dryer by the loader type feeder, ensuring an even spread to facilitate proper air circulation.

Loader Feeding Machine
Loader Feeding Machine
3. Temperature Control

The temperature is set based on the moisture content of the pomace. Lower temperatures are ideal for delicate fruits, while higher temperatures are suitable for denser pomace.

4. Drying Time

The drying time varies depending on the type of fruit, moisture content, and dryer specifications. Continuous monitoring is essential to minimize over-drying or under-drying.

Where Can Use The Pomace Drying Equipmment?

Pomace dryers cater to various industries and businesses.

Application Areas of Pomace Dryer
Application Areas of Pomace Dryer
1. Fruit Processing Plants

These drum dryers can effectively process and reuse the by-products generated during juice extraction or fruit processing.

2. Orchards

SX Pomace dryers provide orchards with an efficient solution to manage their fruit waste effectively, boosting sustainability and reducing environmental impact.

3. Livestock Farms

Dried fruit pomace can be utilized as a nutrient-rich feed for livestock, ensuring optimal animal nutrition and minimizing feed costs.


Drying fruit pomace is a crucial process to efficiently utilize fruit waste and transform it into valuable products. SX pomace dryer for sale offers advanced features and technology to ensure efficient drying and superior quality output. By investing in a reliable pomace dryer, businesses in the fruit processing, orchard, and livestock industries can maximize their productivity while contributing to a more sustainable future. You can click this link:

Особенности использования свиного навоза для производства органических удобрений.

Свиной навоз является ценным источником питательных веществ для сельскохозяйственных культур и может быть эффективно использован для создания органических удобрений. Однако при его использовании необходимо учитывать несколько важных моментов, чтобы обеспечить качество конечного продукта и безопасность для окружающей среды.

1. Компостирование: Свежий свиной навоз содержит большое количество аммиака и может быть вреден для растений. Перед использованием его нужно подвергнуть процессу компостирования, который помогает разложить органические вещества и уменьшить запах.

2. Температурный режим: В процессе компостирования важно поддерживать правильный температурный режим, чтобы уничтожить вредные микроорганизмы и семена сорняков.

3. Аэрация: Для обеспечения доступа кислорода и ускорения процесса компостирования навоза необходимо регулярно его переворачивать. Это обеспечивает равномерное разложение и предотвращает образование анаэробных условий, при которых может выделяться метан и другие вредные газы.

Порошкообразное органическое удобрение из свиного навоза
Порошкообразное органическое удобрение из свиного навоза

4. Баланс влажности: Необходимо следить за тем, чтобы компостная куча не была слишком сухой или слишком мокрой. Идеальная влажность составляет около 50-60%.

5. Соотношение углерод/азот: Для эффективного компостирования нужно добиться правильного соотношения углерода и азота (C:N), которое обычно составляет около 25-30:1. Для этого к свиному навозу можно добавлять солому, опилки или другой углеродсодержащий материал.

6. Избегание загрязнителей: Важно убедиться, что в навозе нет остатков лекарственных препаратов или тяжёлых металлов, которые могут попасть в него из кормов или в результате ветеринарного лечения животных.

7. Хранение: Готовый компост нужно хранить в таких условиях, чтобы предотвратить его вымывание дождём и загрязнение водоёмов.

8. Использование: Перед внесением органического удобрения в почву необходимо провести анализ его состава, чтобы определить содержание питательных веществ и соответственно рассчитать необходимую дозировку.

Соблюдение этих принципов позволит получить высококачественное органическое удобрение из свиного навоза, которое будет способствовать улучшению структуры почвы, увеличению её плодородия и урожайности без вреда для окружающей среды. Если вы хотите узнать больше об органических удобрениях из свиного навоза, посетите:

How to make phosphate fertilizer

Phosphate fertilizers play a crucial role in the world of agriculture by promoting healthy root development and improving the quality and yield of crops. Creating phosphate fertilizer is an industrial process that involves the extraction and processing of phosphate rock into a usable form for plants.

Overview of Phosphate Fertilizer

Importance of Phosphorus in Plant Growth

Phosphorus is one of the essential nutrients for plant growth, vital for energy transfer, photosynthesis, and nutrient movement within the plant. Phosphate fertilizers supply this critical element to the soil, compensating for the natural depletion of phosphorus over time.

Extraction of Phosphate Rock

Mining and Quarrying

The production of phosphate fertilizer begins with the mining or quarrying of phosphate rock, which is a sedimentary rock containing high concentrations of phosphate minerals.

Crushing and Grinding

Once extracted, the phosphate rock is crushed and ground to the desired particle size to facilitate the chemical reactions necessary for its conversion into a fertilizer.

Chemical Processing of Phosphate Rock

Sulfuric Acid Treatment: The Wet Acid Process

The most common method for processing phosphate rock is the wet acid process (WAP), where the ground phosphate rock is treated with sulfuric acid to produce phosphoric acid and gypsum (calcium sulfate dihydrate).

Phosphoric Acid Production

In this step, sulfuric acid is reacted with the phosphate rock, typically in a reactor, to produce phosphoric acid and gypsum as a byproduct.

Alternative Methods: The Dry Process

An alternative to the wet acid process is the dry process, which involves heating the phosphate rock in a furnace with silicon and coke. However, this process is less commonly used due to its higher energy consumption and lower efficiency.

Purification of Phosphoric Acid

Removing Impurities

The crude phosphoric acid obtained from the wet acid process contains impurities that must be removed to produce a fertilizer-grade product. This is done through a series of filtration, precipitation, and extraction steps.

Concentration of Phosphoric Acid

The purified acid may need to be concentrated to the desired strength for fertilizer production, which involves evaporation of excess water.

Conversion to Fertilizer Forms

Production of Monoammonium Phosphate (MAP) and Diammonium Phosphate (DAP)

The phosphoric acid is then reacted with ammonia to produce monoammonium phosphate (MAP) and diammonium phosphate (DAP), two of the most common types of phosphate fertilizers.


The resulting slurry from the reaction is then granulated, dried, and cooled to form the granular fertilizer product, which is easier to handle and apply. There are many types of granlators for your choice in SX.

Environmental Considerations

Gypsum Management

The gypsum byproduct from the wet acid process must be managed properly, as it can create environmental challenges if not handled and disposed of correctly.

Air and Water Pollution Control

Phosphate fertilizer production facilities are equipped with pollution control systems to minimize emissions to air and water.

Packaging and Distribution

Storage Requirements

The final product is stored in a way that protects it from moisture and other elements that could compromise its quality.

Transportation to Market

The fertilizer is then packaged and shipped to agricultural markets, where it is distributed and used by farmers to enrich their soils with phosphorus.


The production of phosphate fertilizer is a complex process that converts phosphate rock into a form that plants can absorb. It involves extraction, chemical reactions, purification, and granulation, resulting in products like MAP and DAP. With careful management, the process can be environmentally responsible, ensuring that farmers around the world have access to this critical nutrient for their crops.

Transforming Waste into Gold: Making Compost into Fertilizer Pellets

Composting is a time-honored practice that allows us to recycle kitchen and garden waste into nutrient-rich soil amendments. Taking this eco-friendly endeavor a step further, turning compost into fertilizer pellets offers a convenient and efficient way to maximize the benefits of your compost. In this guide, we’ll explore the process of making compost into fertilizer pellets and delve into the numerous advantages of adopting this sustainable approach to soil enrichment.

The Compost-to-Pellets Journey

Quality Compost:

Begin with a high-quality compost pile rich in organic matter. This should include a balanced mix of kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other compostable materials.
Ensure that the fertilizer composting process is complete, resulting in a dark, crumbly, and earthy-smelling compost. Here, suitable fertilizer compost machine can help you a lot.

Pelletization Process:

Invest in a compost pelletizing machine, which can be purchasedbased on your needs and scale of composting.
Shred or break down the compost into smaller particles to facilitate the fertilizer pelletization process.
Feed the compost through the pelletizer, which typically compresses the material into small, uniform pellets. Go here for details.

Drying and Curing:

After pelletization, allow the pellets to dry thoroughly. This step is crucial for achieving the desired hardness and preventing breakage during storage and application.
Curing the pellets for a short period helps stabilize the nutrient content and ensures a slow, controlled release when applied to the soil.
So you can preapare better compost fertilizer granules.

Benefits of Compost Fertilizer Pellets

Convenience in Handling:

Pellets are easy to store, transport, and handle. Their compact nature makes them ideal for various gardening and agricultural applications.

Customized Nutrient Content:

Adjust the composition of the pellets to cater to specific plant and soil needs. This customization ensures that your plants receive the right balance of nutrients for optimal growth.

Reduced Environmental Impact:

The pelletization process can minimize the risk of nutrient runoff, contributing to a more environmentally sustainable approach to fertilization.

Organic fertilizer pellet produce by SX fertilizer equipment
Organic fertilizer pellet produce by SX fertilizer equipment

Enhanced Soil Structure:

Compost pellets break down gradually, releasing nutrients over time. This slow release promotes improved soil structure, preventing erosion and fostering long-term soil fertility.

Weed and Pest Control:

The controlled nutrient release from pellets helps plants grow stronger, making them more resistant to weeds and certain pests. Additionally, the presence of organic matter supports a healthier soil ecosystem that discourages harmful pests.

Cost-Effective Solution:

While there may be initial costs associated with purchasing or renting a pelletizer, the long-term savings from reduced reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides make compost pellets a cost-effective solution.


Turning compost into fertilizer pellets is a rewarding and sustainable practice that bridges the gap between waste reduction and soil enrichment. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can transform your compost into a valuable resource that promotes healthier plants, improves soil quality, and contributes to a greener and more sustainable future. Embrace the journey of making compost into fertilizer pellets and witness the transformation of waste into gold for your garden or farm. You can visit to get more information.

What Raw Materials Can Be Used in Liquid Fertilizer Production Line?

Liquid fertilizers have gained popularity among farmers and growers for their ease of application and quick nutrient absorption by plants. A critical aspect of liquid fertilizer production lies in selecting the right raw materials, ensuring a nutrient-rich composition that promotes healthy plant growth. What materials you can choose to transform them into nutrient-rich liquid fertilizers?

liquid organic fertilizer manufacturing line
liquid organic fertilizer manufacturing line

Flexible Formulas for Making Liquid Fertilizer

1. Animal Waste

Animal waste, including manure from livestock and poultry, offers a valuable source of organic matter and essential nutrients for liquid fertilizer production. These waste products contain significant levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as trace elements and beneficial microorganisms. If you run a livestock farm, you can properly process and ferment animal waste through SX liquid organic fertilizer production line. The nutrients can be extracted and transformed into liquid fertilizers by these equipment, promoting sustainable agriculture practices and minimizing waste.

2. Agricultural Residues

Agricultural residues, such as crop stalks, husks, and straw, can be served as raw materials of liquid fertilizers. These residues contain carbon, nitrogen, and other essential elements that plants require for growth and development. You can buy full set of liquid fertilizer production enables efficient processing of agricultural residues, breaking them down into a soluble form, and creating liquid fertilizers that enhance soil fertility and crop productivity.

3. Micronutrients

Micronutrients, including iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and molybdenum, play a vital role in plant metabolism and growth. Although required in small quantities, micronutrients are essential for overall plant health and productivity. Shunxin liquid fertilizer manufacturing equipment facilitates the accurate blending and incorporation of micronutrients into liquid fertilizers, ensuring proper nutrient balance for optimal plant growth and crop yield.

4. Microbial Strains

Microbial strains, also known as microbial inoculants, contribute to the overall health and resilience of plants. These microbial populations aid in nutrient cycling, disease suppression, and enhanced nutrient uptake. You need liquid fertilizer machinery to effectively process microbial strains, preserving their viability and incorporating them into liquid fertilizers. This incorporation of beneficial microbes fortifies the fertilizers, promoting soil health, and improving plant vitality.

Click here to know more!

units of liquid organic fertilizer production line
units of liquid organic fertilizer production line

Wide Applications of SX Machinery

Shunxin machines have gained recognition for its remarkable versatility, meeting the demands of liquid fertilizer production while extending its applications to various industries. Here are just a few of the many applications where Shunxin Equipment excels:

1. Liquid Fertilizer Production

Shunxin’s machines are specifically engineered to handle a wide range of raw materials, ensuring efficient and effective liquid fertilizer production. The advanced machinery processes various inputs to create customized liquid fertilizers that cater to specific crop requirements, thereby promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

2. Waste Management

Shunxin’s advanced technology can be applied in waste management processes, including composting and organic waste treatment systems. They can transform waste materials such as organic residues and by-products into valuable resources.

3. Organic Fertilizer Production

The equipment is well-suited for the production of organic fertilizers. By efficiently processing inputs like animal waste, agricultural residues, and microbial strains, the machinery ensures the creation of high-quality organic fertilizers. These fertilizers enhance soil health, improve crop nutrition, and reduce dependence on synthetic fertilizers.

Components of liquid organic fertilizer production line
Components of liquid organic fertilizer production line


The raw materials used in liquid fertilizer manufacturing process play a crucial role in determining the nutrient composition and effectiveness of the final product. With a diverse range of options available, including organic matter, animal waste, agricultural residues, micronutrients, and microbial strains, etc., you can choose flexible formulas of liquid fertilizers to meet specific crop requirements. You can visit: for more information.

Для производства сульфата аммония используется линия двухвальцовой грануляции.

Производство сульфата аммония методом двухвалковой грануляции – это процесс, в ходе которого сырье подвергается обработке и превращается в гранулы сульфата аммония. Этот продукт широко используется в сельском хозяйстве в качестве удобрения. Ниже представлен общий обзор процесса производства на линии двухвалковой грануляции:

1. Получение сырья:
Аммиак (NH3): Обычно производится синтезом из азота и водорода.
Серная кислота (H2SO4): Может быть произведена сжиганием серы и последующим преобразованием диоксида серы в серную кислоту.
2. Реакция образования сульфата аммония:
Сырье (аммиак и серная кислота) реагируют между собой, образуя сульфат аммония:
3. Процесс грануляции:
Полученный сульфат аммония подвергается грануляции для создания гранул различного размера.
Для двухвалковой грануляции используются два вращающихся валка, между которыми происходит формирование гранул.
4. Охлаждение и сушка:
Горячие гранулы охлаждаются для предотвращения их дальнейшего роста и агломерации.
После охлаждения гранулы могут подвергаться сушке, чтобы уменьшить содержание влаги.

Двухвалковая экструзионная линия грануляции
Двухвалковая экструзионная линия грануляции

5. Сортировка и упаковка:
Гранулы проходят через процесс сортировки, чтобы получить желаемый размер частиц.
После сортировки гранулы упаковываются в соответствующую упаковку для хранения и транспортировки.
6. Управление процессом:
Процесс контролируется и регулируется с использованием автоматизированных систем для обеспечения качества и эффективности производства.

Этот процесс может подвергаться некоторым изменениям в зависимости от конкретных технологических решений предприятия, но описанный выше общий подход является типичным для производства сульфата аммония методом двухвалковой грануляции. Чтобы узнать больше о производстве сульфата аммония, посетите:




What Is The Bio Compost Fertilizer Manufacturing Process

Certainly! Let’s outline a simple example of how to use cow manure to make biofertilizer through a composting process:

Simple Industrial Cow Manure Biofertilizer Production:

Materials Needed:

Fresh cow manure

  • Straw or other carbon-rich materials
  • Water
  • Composting equipment
  • Microbial inoculants
Cow manure to biofertilizer making
Cow manure to biofertilizer making

Bio fertilizer making from cow dung Steps:

Collection of Cow Manure:

How to make biofertilizer from cow manure? First, recycling fresh cow dung from healthy cattles. Ensure it’s free from contaminants such as antibiotics or pesticides.

Preparation of Cow Manure:

Remove any large debris like straw or stones from the cow manure.
If you have eniugh time, allow the manure to age for a few weeks, which helps in the decomposition of biofertilizer.

Composting Piles Setup:

Choose a suitable location for biofertilizer composting, preferably an area with good aeration.
Create compost piles. Ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogging.

Mixing with Carbon-Rich Materials:

Mix the cow manure with carbon-rich materials such as straw or dried leaves. This helps balance the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio and improves aeration.

Materials for fertilizer making C N ratio adjustment
Materials for fertilizer making C N ratio adjustment


Maintain the right moisture level by watering or deatering the composting materials. Aim for a moisture content of around 50-60%.

Microbial Inoculation:

You can introduce microbial inoculants containing beneficial bacteria and fungi to accelerate the composting process. Or add functional bacteria to make cow manure biofertilizer with richer nutrients. Click here to learn more.

Turning the Compost:

Turn the compost regularly to ensure proper aeration. This promotes the growth of aerobic microorganisms and speeds up decomposition. For this, there are various cow manure compost machine can help you a lot.

Monitoring Temperature:

Monitor the compost temperature. During the active composting phase, the temperature may rise to the thermophilic range (50-65°C or 122-149°F), helping eliminate pathogens.

Fermentation and Maturation:

Allow the compost to undergo fermentation for several weeks. This phase allows beneficial microorganisms to multiply and further breaks down organic matter.


Once fermentation is complete, let the composted cow manure dry. Drying reduces moisture content and helps preserve the microbial activity.

Packaging and Storage:

Package the dried biofertilizer in airtight bags or containers to maintain its quality.
Store the biofertilizer in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


  1. Apply the biofertilizer to the soil before or during the planting season.
  2. Mix the biofertilizer with soil or apply it directly to the root zone of plants.

This commercial biofertilizer out of cow manure, enhances soil fertility by providing essential nutrients and promoting a healthy microbial ecosystem in the soil. If you want to do it, you  can visit for more details.